Thursday, January 21, 2010

Democrats manipulating the system??? NO WAY!!

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX), a member of the House Ways & Means Committee and the top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, issued the following statement after Senate Democrats this afternoon indicated they will likely use “reconciliation” as the means to move health care reform through Congress:

“This is a defining moment for President Obama and Congressional Democrats. These leaders can listen to the American public who is telling them this is not the health reform they want, or ignore them and find a back door way to force their huge plan through,” said Brady.

“Unfortunately, it appears Congressional Democrats are looking to manipulate the budget rules to get around the current 60-vote rule in the Senate. That tells me they are shutting the voices of voters out – just like they shut them out of the back room negotiations – and are determined to pass this national health care takeover by hook or by crook,” continued Brady. “Instead, they should take a step back, listen to the voters and sit down with Republicans to create a bill that lowers health care costs without the government interfering in our most intimate health care decisions.”

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